
How to Cook Efo-Riro Soup | Ingredients & Guidelines

This page is made for those that want to learn How to Cook Efo-Riro Soup perfectly without any mistakes. is an amazing platform that will give you all the help and guidelines that you need to know on how to prepare your delicious Efo-Riro.

Messages have been coming to our comment box on how to cook Efo-Riro Soup and I thought it was the best thing to do because, Efo-Riro is one of my best food, my mum normally prepares this food when we were much younger, at first, when I tasted it, I was not comfortable with the food which made me starve that very day.

My mom knowing fully well that I was not ok with the food made it another day, I had no choice than to eat it cos I would not want to starve again, but by this time it tasted so delicious that I finished the first round and asked for more and my mum was like why the sudden change about the food than I told her that the food is so delicious and that she should prepare more of Efo-Riro. And for sure if you have not tasted it you are really missing out because it is unique, flavored, nutritional, and delicious.

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The African Stewed Spinach also is known as Efo-Riro, is one of the most popular vegetable soup from west Africa (Yoruba) and it is a delicious delicacy eaten by Yorubas and some people from other places.

Meanwhile, all you need to know on how to cook Efo-Riro is right here, if you carefully follow our guide and step.

Ingredients for Cooking Efo-Riro

  • 1kg of fresh Soko or tete
  • 1 tablespoon of iru
  • 1 tablespoon of scotch bonnet
  • 250g of assorted meat
  • 2 tablespoon of crayfish
  • Fresh pepper
  • 250g of bushmeat
  • Medium-sized of dried fish
  • Medium-sized of stockfish
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 spoon of locust bean powder
  • snail
  • palm oil
  • Knorr chicken cube
  • add salt to taste


1. Wash the assorted meat, chicken, thoroughly with salt, sliced onions, chicken knorr cubes, and allow to cook for 15 minutes. Add some water in the meat so it will not burn.

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2. Then add your washed stockfish, beef, dried fish cook for another 10 minutes. and set aside

3. Get another pot, add palm oil, and let it heat. Add the sliced onions, pepper, tata, stir and allow to fry for 5 minutes while stirring don’t allow it to burn.

4. Add the cooked meat, stockfish, fried fish, stir and allow to simmer for 5 minutes, add the crayfish, iru, chicken knorr cube, add salt to taste, stir and allow to simmer. add the sliced spinach, allow to simmer for 3 minutes and your Efo-Riro is done

How to Cook Efo-Riro Soup

1. Wash the meat, chicken thoroughly, season your meat, add the sliced onions, stockfish, sail, and heat on a medium fire, boil till tender and keep aside.

2. Then, wash the vegetables thoroughly for about 3 times to get rid of dirt.cut and set aside, also blend or slice the tete along with the fresh pepper, scotch bonnets, spinach and keep.

3. Drain off as much water as you can from the spinach so your Efo-Riro will not be too watery.

4. In a large pot, add the palm oil and leave it to heat for about 2-3 minutes, add the onion and fry till fragrant also add the locust beans and fry together

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5. Add your blended or sliced pepper and 2 chicken knorr cubes and fry for 10-15 minutes till the pepper dries

6. Add some water to prevent it from burning and let it boil for 5 minutes, add the Soko, assorted meat, chicken, beef, crayfish, and stockfish

7. Add seasoning and salt to taste and cook for 10-15 minutes

8. Then, add your vegetables, and mix it together, reduce the heat from the gas to medium so you wouldn’t lose all the nutrients in the vegetables.

9. Then, serve it with any swallow of your choice

What to Serve Your Efo-Riro with?

1. White rice

2. Fufu

3. Amala

4. Pounded yam

5. Plantain.

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