
Veggie Burger Recipe | How to Make Vegetable Mini Burgers

Veggie Burger Recipe – We find out that millions of people are searching for how to prepare this yummy and flavorful delicacy. Actually, This page is made for you that loves vegetable and meat.

However, you will learn how to make this recipe without going to any restaurant but make it in your comfort zone at any point in time. And we are dedicated to giving you the best guidelines and steps that would help you prepare and enjoy your veggie burger recipe.

A veggie burger is a breakfast or lunch dish where mini vegetable cutlets are stuffed into small dough along with sauces and salad. A good veggie burger should be slightly crisp on the outside, tender on the inside, and not at all gummy.

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Ingredients for Vegetable Meatballs

  • 300 g. of ground beef
  • Small onion
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 carrot
  • 5 leaves of basil
  • 1 cup panko
  • 1 egg
  • Saltto taste
  • Black Pepper
  • 4 sliced of burger breads


  • 3 tablespoons ketchup
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • Small onion

How to Make Vegetable Mini Burgers | Veggie Burger Recipe

For meatballs

1. Put the ground beef in a mixing bowl.

2. Take the finely chopped basil.

3. Then, grate your carrot and onion with the thin side of the grater and put it into the minced meat.

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4. Grate your zucchini in a separate bowl with the thick side of the grater and add it into the mince.

5. Also, add salt, pepper, egg and panko in it and knead.

6. Keep the minced meat you kneaded in the fridge to collect lightly.

7. Take your meatball mixture out of the refrigerator and prepare 4 rolls of meatballs.

To combine

1. Put a pan on the stove and heat it.

2. Then, put your meatballs in the pan and cook.

3. Chop your cucumber pickles and onions into small cubes and mix them with all the ingredients for the sauce.

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4. Cut your mini burger breads in half.

5. Spread the sauce you have prepared on your bread and put your meatballs in it.

6. Serve it by closing the lid of your bread.

7. Then, your veggie burger recipe is ready to be served.

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