
How to Make Roll Flank Steak | Roll Steak Recipe

How to Make Roll Flank Steak – Welcome to our platform. We’re glad to have you here, making use of our services. This recipe will enable you to prepare roll steak successfully, deliciously, and well flavored.

Moreover, we shall be doing our best to inform and guide you on the steps and procedures that are required so you will be able to come out with the best result. And other relevant things that you should know about in this recipe.

We have to create this page to help you prepare this delicious meal and millions of people out there have made a lot of mistakes while making this recipe. Our team has been getting messages from different parts of the world. Requesting us to show them all the steps on how to make roll steak.

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All you have to do is to follow up with the guidelines that we are about to show you on this page right away. We are going to make it easy or simple for you.


  • 2 pounds flank steak
  • 3 tablespoons garlic
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 onion
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon of black Pepper


  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 1 tablespoon paste
  • 2 tablespoon of brown sugar

How to Make Roll Steak

For the grout

1. Take your ceiling to the stove.

2. Put olive oil in it and heat it.

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3. Then, add the diced pepper in it and sauté.

4. Add the grated onions and continue to sauté.

5. Also, add salt and pepper and Sear the second side for about one minute, then bake for 10–15 minutes.

To combine

1. Combine garlic, salt, and pepper, and olive oil in small bowl.

2. Lay the flank steak on a cutting board.

3. Slicing horizontally across the steak, and beat it.

4. Using a sharp knife, slice roll between pieces of twine into 1-inch-thick pinwheels

5. Add the mixtures on top, spreading it evenly across the steak. Sprinkle the spinach on top, followed by the slices of provolone. Press down lightly to compress the spinach.

6. Starting at the bottom of the flank steak, roll it up tightly, making sure the grain of the meat is running horizontally. Using toothpicks to secure the steak roll.

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7. Slice the steak roll into six equal rolls.

8. Preheat oven to 350.

9. Heat a cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Place pinwheels in pan and brown for 3 minutes or so. Flip over and brown on the other side for 2 minutes.

10. Slide the skillet into the preheated oven and cook for about 8-10 minutes or until steak is done

11. Remove from oven, and let rest for 5 minutes

12. Remove the toothpicks, then serve

13. Enjoy!!!

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