Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment 2021 | Apply Now For Free

Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment 2021/2022; The Nigeria prison service (NPS) was established in the year 1861. That was the year conceptually Western-type jail was established in Nigeria; following the declaration of Lagos city as a colony in 1861; which marked the start of the establishment of formal machinery of governance.

Also at this stage, the preoccupation of the colonial government was to guard legitimate; trade as well as guarantee the profit of British merchants and activities of missionaries.

More so, the Nigerian Prisons Service is a government agency of Nigeria which operates prisons. The agency has its headquarter in Abuja; and it is under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior and the Civil Defense Immigration and Prisons Board.

Furthermore, in this view, by 1861, the then acting governor of the city colony; and who was an outstanding British bourgeois in Lagos, formed personnel regarding 25 constables.

This was followed by the institution of four (4) courts which are listed thus;

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1. A court to resolve dispute

2. A slave court to oversee cases arising from effort to get rid of the exchange slaves

3. A judicature to undertake the more serious cases and

4. A poster court to resolve disputes among merchants and traders.

Key Functions Of The Nigeria Prison Service

The key functions of the Nigeria prisons service are listed thus;

1. The Nigeria prison service has the mandate to take into lawful custody all those certified to be kept by courts of competent jurisdiction

2. Thus, Produce suspects in courts when due

3. Also, Nigeria prison service identifies causes of their anti-social dispositions.

5. They set in motion mechanisms for their treatment and training; for eventual reintegration into society as normal law-abiding citizens on discharge.

6. Also, they administer prison Industries and Farms for this purpose and in this process generate revenue for the government.

7. Hence, the Nigeria prison service are known to partner with relevant bodies to develop policies that will help to keep crimes to the barest minimum level

Nigeria Prison Recruitment Requirement 2021

The eligibility criteria for the Nigeria prison service recruitment are listed thus;

1. Applicants must be a Nigerians citizen.

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2. Also, prospective candidates must have requisite qualifications and certificates. Any certificate or qualification not presented and accepted at the recruitment center will not be accepted after the recruitment.

3. Acceptable ages range is 18 and 30 years.

4. Acceptable heights are a minimum of 1.65m for males and 1.60 for females.

5. Candidates must be fit and show medical reports from a Government recognized Hospital that confirms that.

6. Hence, applicants chest measurement must not be less than 0.87 for men.

7. Computer literacy will be of added advantage.

8. Must not belong to any Secret Society or Cults or be a Drug Addicts.

9. Also, applicant must be free financial embarrassment

Ranks Of The Nigeria Prison Service

1. The Controller-General of prisons (CGP)

2. The Deputy Controller-General (DCG)

3. The Assistant Controller-General of prisons

4. The Controller of prisons

5. Prisons Warden

6. Deputy Superintendent of prisons (DSP)

7. Assistant Superintendent of prisons I (ASP.I)

8. Assistant Superintendent of prisons II (ASP.II)

9. Senior Inspector of prisons (SIP)

10. Inspector of prisons (IP)

11. Assistant Inspector of prisons (AIP)

12. Prisons Assistant (PAI)

13. Prisons Assistant (PAII)

14. Prisons Assistant (PAIII)

Salary Structure Of Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment 2021

The new salary structure for Para-military personnel; is known as the Consolidated Para-military Salary Structure (CONPASS); which sees an increase in basic salary and allowances for Nigerian Prison officers and all Para-military organizations.

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Thus, this is different from the Nigerian army salary, Air force, and the Navy.

Therefore, the Nigerian prison service salary structure per month for its officers is based on rank and level of service to the agency. A prison officer receives an annual salary between 800,000-1,000,000. This means that the average salary for workers in Nigeria is 50,000 on a monthly basis.

How To Apply For Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment 2021

Steps on how to apply for the ongoing Key Functions Of The Nigeria Prison Service are listed thus;

1. Qualified applicants that meet the Nigeria Prisons Service Recruitment 2021/2022; requirement should kindly visit the Nigeria prison service portal @

2. Hence, applicants are expected to sign up and validate their email address before accessing the form.

3. Fill in your bio data correctly

4. Submit and print out your acknowledgement slip

Meanwhile, the interested candidate should kindly drop their valid email with us to get updates about the Nigerian prison service recruitment.

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