Top 10 Most Corrupt African Countries 2021 And Position

Top 10 Most Corrupt African Countries And Position – Let’s take a look at the most corrupt African countries. Corruption has eaten deep into most of the African countries. African is a great continent where anybody can come. For those of us that are searching for most corrupt counties in African, you are on the right page.

Now, we will explain the mean of corruption and why is not good. We are going to defined corruption in so many ways. Corruption is a form of dishonesty undertaken by a person entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.

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Sub-Saharan Africa has a low average score of 31 compared to a global average of 46 while only 5 countries of 46 have scores above 50. Transparency International says low ranked countries are plagued by “untrustworthy and badly functioning public institutions like the police and judiciary”.

In this article, we are going to outline the most corrupt country in African. Why do you think that corruption is not good? Corruption brings the country down in terms of development, education and so many things.

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Top 10 Most Corrupt African Countries 2021 And Position

Without wasting so much of your time let’s now outline or show you the most corrupt African countries 2021 and Position there are below.

Country                                                                                    CPI Score

1. Botswana                                                                                61

2. Seychelles                                                                              60

3. Cape Verde                                                                              55

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4. Rwanda                                                                                   55

5. Namibia                                                                                  51

6. Mauritius                                                                                50

7. Sao Tome and Principe                                                          46

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8. Senegal                                                                                  45

9. South Africa                                                                            43

10. Burkina Faso                                                                          42

You have seen the Most Corrupt African Countries above. We will you to get your option about the top 10 most African countries that is corrupted, make use of our box right below. We hope this article was helpful, and don’t forget to share with your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, etc.

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