P-Yes Registration Form | Qualifications And Requirements To Apply

P-Yes Registration Form – The job application form is out you need to visit online to apply. Candidates who want to join the Presidential Youth Empowerment Scheme (P-YES) are advised to carefully go through the recruitment guidelines before applying.

On this page, you will get all the application guidelines, all we need from you is to continue reading so as to find out more. We will like you to know that the P-Yes Registration Form application form is free. You won’t be asked by anyone to pay in order to get the right registration form.

Click here to apply for N-power Recruitment 

Meanwhile, the scheme aims to create at least 774,000 empowerment opportunities through; direct youth empowerment over a minimum period of two years for P-Yes recruitment. The scheme is designed to equip the youth with requisite skills, knowledge, and resources that will make them productive. Before we start guiding you on procedures to apply, we will first outline all the requirements.

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Requirements – Qualifications For P-Yes Registration Form

The scheme will be accessible to the literate, semi-literate, and non-literate population. The threshold for qualification is set at the basic ability and capacity to learn and be teachable. Below are all the requirements P-Yes recruitment.

All applicants must be Nigerian by birth between the ages of 18 and 40.

Candidates must have a means of identification (National Identity card; International Passport, Permanent Voters Card- PVC).

Applicant must provide a Second Level Beneficiary (SLB) to qualify for benefits from the scheme.

Ability to communicate in the Basic English language and or any local Nigerian language.

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Must have good character and a stable mind.

Applicants must provide a guarantor preferably a community or religious leader.

Ability to secure the endorsement of a local government official.

The beneficiary should possess the capacity to transfer knowledge and mentor pairs within their communities.

Applicants Must Complete a guarantor’s form. Get Form here.

Now, that you have seen all the major requirements and qualifications the next thing is to guide you on how to apply for P-Yes Registration Form Job online. P-Yes recruitment is a dream job for every young Nigeria, so we will like you to simply follow the guidelines, we are about to show you below.

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How To Apply For P-Yes Registration Form

Once you made up your mind to apply, all you need to do carefully follow this procedure right below.

1.  Visit the official web-page P-Yes Registration portal via

2. Type in your mobile phone number and email address.

3. After that click on the sign-up button.

For more inquire CLICK HERE.

For those of us that will like to notify them about P-Yes recruitment, we will like you to make use of the comment section below drop your email address or mobile phone number, and do not forget to use the share buttons to tell your family and friends on social media about P-Yes Registration.

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