Nigerian Army Recruitment 2022 – Click Here to Apply Now

We are happy to inform the general public that the Nigerian Army recruitment 2022 is currently ongoing. Therefore it is a matter of great honor to assist you in providing you with the necessary information.

The history of Nigerian Army dates back to 1863, when Lt Glover of the Royal Navy selected eighteen citizens from the Northern part of the country and organized them into a local force, termed “Glover Hausa’s” to mount punitive expeditions and protect British trade routes around Lagos.

The Nigerian army metamorphosed from being a local force to west African frontier force (WAFF), the Queens Own Nigerian regiment (QONR), the Nigerian military force (NMF) in 1956 and the Royal Nigerian Army in 1960.

Meanwhile, to be selected for the job, you need to know the qualification and requirements to be able to apply for Nigeria Army Recruitment. Do not be in a haste and have to read this post carefully and thoroughly for vital information

Nigerian Army Requirements 2022

The following are the requirement needed before applying for Nigerian Army Recruitment

1. Applicant must be of Nigerian citizen by birth and possess National identity card

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2. Candidate must possess a minimium of 4 credits in not more than 2 sittings in either WASSCE/NECO/GCE or NABTEB. Hence, one of the credits must be English Language

3. In addition to the above qualification, those applying for Tradesmen/women must also possess OND/Trades Test/city and guild certificate.

4. Candidate must be between the Ages of 18-22 years for non-tradesmen/women while tradesmen/women must be between ages of 18-26 years by 20th of June.

5. Candidate must be free of any criminal act

6. Candidates must not be less than 1.65 meters and 1.56 meters tall for male and female applicants respectively

7. Knowledge of additional Nigerian language other than mothers tongue is an added advantage

8.You must be physically, psychologically and medically fit.

9.You are to print out your submitted form which you will present at the exam screening center


Nigerian Army Salary Structure

Eager to know more about army salary. A Nigerian soldier is being paid according to his or her rank and years of service to the country.

Many people ask of how much salary soldiers receive per month for various reasons. These are people who take pleasure in ensuring lives and security of the countries citizen.

Therefore, the list below is the salary structure of Nigerian Army

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Salary structure of non-commissioned officers in the Nigerian Army

A. Private soldier earns about-48,000-49,000

B. Lance corporal earns about-54,000-55,000

C. Corporal-58,000

D. Sergant-63,000

E. Staff sergant-68,000

F. Warrant officer-80,000

G. Master warrant officer-90,000

Salary structure of commissioned officers in the Nigerian Army

A. Second lieutenant-120,000

B. Lieutenant-180,000

C. Captain-220,000

D. Major-300,00

E. Lieutenant colonel-350,000

F. Colonel-550,000

G. Brigadier General-750,000

H. Major General-950,000

I. Lieutenant General-1,000,000

J. General-1,5000,000

Documents Needed For Nigerian Army Registration

1). Passport size photograph


3). First school living certificate

4). Birth certificate/declaration of age

5). Optional-NCE/ND/TRADE Test/RN

How To Apply for Nigerian Army Recruitment 2022

Interested candidate are to;

1. Visit our official recruitment portal

2. Create a user account to enable you login.

3. Your username must be a functional email.

4. Login with email id and password.

5. Read requirements and method of application.

6. New user need to register with website.

7. Fill NA recruitment form online and complete it.

8. Take system generated form.

9. Complete the application form, submit online and print a copy, Then print and complete the Guarantor form as appropriate.

How TO Start Your Application

1. Enter your valid email address.

2. Fill in the password you want but must be 8 character long.

3. It is advised to use complex password with alphabet and figure.

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4. Click on register button to complete your registration.

However, after that system will send you confirmation message to your email address which you entered during time of registration.

Please Note

1. No special center for recruitment

2. There will be no pre-selection computer based test to be conducted on candidates

3. There will be no zonal screening exercise

4. All screening of potential recruits will be done at the candidates respective state of origin

5. Any candidate who falsified or forged his/her results and discovered even during training at Depot NA would be withdrawn

6. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to give any form of gratification on inducement to any person or group of Person to assist them in the recruitment exercise.

Please note: that the form is not yet out, we will notify you once the form is out. Do well to drop an active email with us in the comment box or visit the official website later.

Hence, you are advised to read the instruction page carefully or call the support line if in doubt 08101732819 or email

Meanwhile, for your comment and contributions, please do well by making use of the comment box below on any issues on Nigerian Army Recruitment 2022 and we shall be here to assist you. Thanks.

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