How to Create your Facebook Avatar Free

How to Create your Facebook Avatar Free:- The social media giant company, Facebook, has never relented in making Facebook (and other of its apps) great. Indeed Facebook is a place of fun, business, effective communication, etc.

The New Facebook Avatar maker allows users to make and post their personalized emojis to the social media platform without physical interaction. It has taken the world by storm.

It’s trending and you might also want to learn how to make your very own Facebook avatar emoji.

The new Facebook avatar has complete and even more advanced features to help you style your personalized emoji.

On it, (Facebook Avatar emoji maker), you can pick their skin tone, then hairstyle, hair color, face shape, eye shape and color, eyebrows, makeup, nose shape, body shape, outfit, and even more.

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Who has the Latest Facebook Avatar?

The feature has been rolled out to all Facebook account users. Just make sure you’ve updated your app to the latest version.

Where can I find my Avatar Maker?

You should start to see a new smiley-face button when you go to post a comment on the News Feed.

It’ll also appear within the Messenger sticker selection tab.

If you tap it, you’ll be able to create a Facebook Avatar that looks however you want.

It starts with a gender-neutral face, which can be customized with 18 different traits.

How to Make your Personal Facebook Avatar Emoji

The steps below applies to both iPhone and Android users. So use the steps below.

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone and tap the hamburger menu (three stacked lines). It could be in the lower right corner for iPhone and in the upper right corner for Android.
  2. Scroll down and tap See More.
  3. Select Avatars.
  4. Tap Next and then Get Started.
  5. Select your preferred skin tone (there are 27 options) and tap Next. 
  6. You’ll then be instructed to choose a hairstyle for your avatar. You can select Short, Medium, Or Long for a variety of styles. Once you’ve made your selection, tap the Color icon.
  7. Next, you’ll move on to your avatar’s Face icon, where you’ll select the face shape, complexion, and face lines. 
  8. After you’ve customized the face, tap the Eye icon. Select an eye shape, color, and lash length. Then move on to the Eyebrows icon and select the brow shape and color. You can also add glasses.
  9. Now it’s time to customize the nose and mouth. Select your nose shape and then move on to your lips shape. You can also add lip color and facial hair.
  10. Next, select a body shape. Once you do this, you can choose the outfit that you like best. You can also choose to add a hat, scarf, or cat ears to your avatar’s outfit. 
  11. Once you’re finished customizing your avatar to your satisfaction, tap the checkmark icon in the upper right corner.
  12. Tap Next and then Done.
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you can always access your already made avatar anytime by tapping the smiley face icon in the “Write a comment” section of your Facebook account app.

That’s it! What are you still thinking? Your first kind of avatar to make, that your friend will “WOW”, right?

Now jump in your Facebook app and follow the steps above to create a unique avatar emoji everyone will love to share.

And now you know this, don’t keep this fun alone to yourself. Click on the social icons below to share with other friends and families.

Let the fun begins!

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