How to Delete Hot or Not Account | Deactivate your Account

How to Delete Hot or Not Account. Are you fed up using your Hot or Not account, and as such you wish to cancel (close) or even deactivate your account?

If the above is the case then don’t bother because here is the right place where you can learn how to cancel (close) or even deactivate your account.

There are various reasons why you may wish to delete your Hot or Not account among all of them is email spamming by the company.

Meanwhile, Hot or Not is a social media portal that lets its users give ratings on other users’ photos and communicate with them via chat messages.

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The website lets its users create and edit account information, upload pictures, send a list of users to your app to give them ratings, let them search nearby users, and chat with them.

How To Delete Hot or Not Account

Users of this account, have two methods of deleting their account, namely:

  • Delete account by email
  • And delete your account through their App.

How To Cancel Your Account By Email

Note, you can delete your account by sending an email to the company, requesting them to delete your account from their database.

Therefore, follow these steps below:

Step 1. Open your email account that is registered with the application or website.
Step 2. Now compose an email and enter the email address
Step 3. 
Step 4. 
Now write an email requesting them to delete your account from their database, and to wipe all your information with them, if any.

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Here is a SAMPLE on how to write such an email.

Cancel your Account through their App

Follow these steps below:

Step 1. Open your Hot or Not App.
Step 2. Tap on the GEAR LIKE icon
Step 3.
 Immediately, you will be taken to the Settings page.
Step 4. Tap on ACCOUNT.
Step 5. 
Now, on the bottom section of the page, click on DELETE ACCOUNT.
Step 6. 
Choose one Reason from the list and then click on DELETE ACCOUNT to erase your account.
Step 7. Finally, UNINSTALL the App from your device to permanently delete your account.

Make use of our comments box right below if you have any questions about this post on how to cancel your Hot or Not account.

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