StarTimes Sign Up Account | Use Phone To Subscribe StarTime

StarTimes Sign Up Account | Use Phone To Subscribe StarTime: Some of us do not know that you can sign up or create StarTimes account with your device, and Use Phone To Subscribe to your StarTime and watch your best programs.
It is (StarTimes) a television broadcasting industries that is popular in showing, sports, news, movies, series, music, kids, documentary. Is a leading digital TV-operator across Sub-Saharan Africa. It was founded in 1988 by Chinese engineer Pang Xinxing. It also operates in 30 countries and serves 10 million subscribers.
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The lest of country their operating in, there are as follows: Ghana, Rwanda, Malawi, Zambia, Burundi, Congo, DRC, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Kenya,Tanzania, Uganda and so many others.
Features Of StarTimes Sign Up Account
Now, StarTimes is one of the best because of the outstanding features. We about to outline some of the amazing features of StarTime, the features are below:
1. It is free for you to sign up to StarTimes account.
2. You can Download StarTimes App on any device.
3. Also you can watch LIVE TV channels anytime, anywhere of the day.
4. StarTimes App is a must-have App for all Football/Soccer fans.
5. It is 100% free to Download StarTime App.
6. You can watch your best programs in any of your device.
You have seen some of the amazing features of StarTimes account, my dear we are about to show you how to sign up StarTimes account and how to use phone to subscribe StarTime on your own.
StarTimes Sign Up Account | StarTimes Pay Per Day
How To Sign Up Account
We about to outline and guide you on how to sign up your StarTimes account for free, to make it very easy for you make use of our image below to create your account.
Visit the website at
Type in your country
Enter your email address
Also type in your Nickname
Your Password is needed
Confirm your password
Click on “SIGN UP” button
Your App is ready to make use of, guys do you know that you can use phone to subscribe to StarTimes when ever you like to subscribe.
How To Use Phone To Subscribe StarTime
Steps on how to use phone to subscribe to StarTimes, from part of the world we are coming from we use GTBank to pay our StarTime subscription with this number on this image.
There is number or code on your StarTimes smart card, send the code e.g *737*37*Amount*smart card number# and send. Remember to use phone number that you used to register your account in GTBank to to subscribe your StarTimes.
To Download StarTimes App visit Google Play Store….. Click here to Download.