How To Download WhatsApp on your Android PC |

HHow To Download WhatsApp on your Android PC | : All over the world WhatsApp have been amazing App, WhatsApp allows the sending of text messages and voice calls, as well as video calls, images and other media, documents, and user location, The application runs from a mobile device though it is also accessible from desktop computers.
Meanwhile, sending a photo over WhatsApp can be done one of two ways. Either click the paperclip icon and select an image from your device, or click the camera icon and take a new photo. There are options to edit the image, such as resizing, or drawing on it, all we about to do is to guide you to download whatsapp on your Android and Your PC.
READ MORE: Free Facebook Account – How To Sign Up, Create Facebook Account
We will be guiding you to the way right way to downloading Whatsapp application on your android phone and PC without meeting any body to help you, we will give you all you need to do it on your own.
NOTE: There is no age limit as far as you have a phone or PC, you can Download the app.

Features Of Amazing WhatsApp
1. You can Keep in touch with the groups of people that matter the most, like your family, friends or coworkers.
2. You can share messages, photos, and videos with up to 256 people at once, what amazing.
3. You can also name your group on your own that is what makes it best in the world.
4. You can send Messages to your friends and family for free even if there in another country.
5. To Download whatsapp it is 100% free for you.
ALSO READ MORE: Imo App Free Download | Imo Registration Sign Up
How To Download WhatsApp on your Android PC |
Now we are going to show you the steps to download whatsapp on your android phones and your PC. You can go through Google play store, if you to go through Google play store click here to Download
For you to download whatsapp on your phones.
To Donwload for Android phones
To Download for iphone
To Download for windows phone
For you to Donwload whatsapp for Mac or Windows PC
Mac OS X 10.9
Windows 8 and higher (64-bit version)
Windows 8 and higher (32-bit version)
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