Facebook sign up Account | Create New Facebook Account Free

Have you been searching how to sign up or create new Facebook account free? Facebook is the most accessible and yet the biggest social network in the world. Where you can interact with different kinds of people in the world. It is the best means of communication so far.

Do you know that goods are been sold on facebook? I was online on my facebook account when i saw a price tagged He-goat. To be frank, i was shocked . i said to myself, could this be true? When i checked the price, i saw that it was the same as those in the market.

Movies and music vedios are accessible on facebook. The fact is that most of the music vedios are current and trending. If you want to sign up or create new Facebook account Then you are in the exact place to Create Facebook account.

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Scroll down with us as we review to you how easy it is to sign up Facebook account. We shall look into some of the outstanding features of a Facebook Account

Outstanding Features Of Facebook sign up Account

Most of this features will make you want to sign up for facebook account quickly. At this point, we are going to look at the features.

  • It is 100% free to create new Facebook account.
  • Very easy and simple to make use of new Facebook account.
  • Your lost pictures can be recovered through your facebook account.
  • Communications can be easily made with Facebook account.
  • Marketing and sales are quick with FAcebook account.

Having known the features of a Facebook account, we are sure that you are now ready to sign up a Facebook Account.

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How To Sign up A Facebook Account

Now, let us tell you the most easy way to sign up a facebook account.

To ease your sign up proccess, we have devided the procedure into three main phases to guide you to sign up.

Phase 1

In phase one, you will be given empty columns to fill up correctly. We have an image below of what it will look like;

Are You worried on how to fill those Empty columns? 

Let us help you sail through it. From the image above,there are columns numbered from 1-10 inside the image.

Those numbers will help you to understand the guidlines below. After this guidlines,you will be set to sign up a facebook account free.   

1. First name: Here, you are required to input your own name. For instance, a 22 year old lady’s full name is JOSEPH MIRACLE.

Her first name automatically becomes ‘MIRACLE’ because ‘JOSEPH’ is her father’s name.

We advice that you input the name for which you are known. This name could be your nick name.

For instance, If your name is MIRACLE, people might  know you as ”MIMI” or ”MIRA”. It is that what you are known as that your friends will probably; search for if they want to message you.

2. Surname: You are to input your Father’s name in this second collumn. It is very important to use your father’s name ;or use the name your family is know for as your surname; to enable your extended family members to locate you easily.

Now let’s get to the Third column

3. Mobile number or Email address:For you to sign up for a facebook account you have to fill up this column with your mobile number or your Email address. the email address could either be a google mail or a yahoo mail.

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Can i sign up a facebook account without an Email? If you don’t have an Email yet and you want to create a facebook account,It is possible.

How Do i sign up facebook account with my mobile number ? You can use your mobile number to sign up facebook account; by typing your mobile number in the column created for it and wait for a confirmation code.

This is to confirm if you are the one trying creating a facebook account or is anyone trying to use your contact for it.

4. New password: here, you are required to input a code for easy accessibility. This code must be kept secret. It must not be disclosed to others.

               What should my password look like?

let us look at other people’s password looks like

  • Most time, people input their mobile number as a password. Example +2245568271.
  • Some use their names. Example ‘ Joseph Miracle’.
  • Some make use of a sencence. Example ‘This account belongs to me’,

All those styles are good but if you input stuffs like that, you will be asked to make your password stronger.

We advice that you use the combination of both your name and mobile number at the same time. For instance ‘+2245568271 Joseph Miracle’ or  ‘Joseph +2245568271 Miracle’.

Whatever way you possition it, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you remember How you arranged it.

Note: the spaces between the code (you can write it without a space).

What will happen if i don’t input a Strong password for my Facebook account?

Many person’s don’t have Job to do. As a result of that, they go online searching for who to extort money from. 

If your password is Short, they will easily manipulate it and get access to your Facebook account.

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 If this is done, your identity will be used to extort money from your friends.

 Phase 2

This phase is tagged ”Birthday”. what is your date of birth?

5thCoulumn (day): Your day of birth could be on anyday of the month. Ranging from 1st-30th or 31st as the case may be. Write your day of birth in the already provided column.

6thCoulumn (month): There are 12 months in a year. The year starts with January as it’s first month and ends with December as its last month. Surely, yours must fall under the twelve months.

Input your month of birth in the already provided column.

7thCoulumn (year): which year was your year of birth? If you can’t remember, ask yourself this question. How old am i?

Subtract your age from the current year we are now and you will get your answer. Type your year of birth in the already provided column

what’s next?

It may intrest you that we are almost done with how to create new Facebook account

What’s your gender? living things can only be of two genders; Male or Female. Before we continue; we just want you to know that both plants and animals are still classified to be either male or female.

For humans in this circular world, boys and girls grow up and become the male respectively.

Having said this, If you are a male, tick the Coulumn8 and if you are a female, tick Coulumn9. Then click on SIGN UP.

Now you can make use of the link button that we are about to provide to you right below.

Do enjoy your Facebook account and connect to different people in the world.

Drop your questions and contributions on the comment box and we will make sure we reply them

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