Kenya Police Recruitment 2021 – Apply Now For Free

Kenya Police Recruitment 2021;- The Kenya Police Service is a national body in charge of law enforcement in Kenya. The Kenya police force was established as a British colonial police force in 1907.

Hence the Kenya police are organized at a national level; each arm reports to a County police Commander; which in turn divides its force into local Police Divisions; headquartered at local police stations.

All these elements report to a Kenya Police Headquarters in Nairobi. The Kenya National Police Service is divided into three units; The Kenya Police Service, The Kenya Administrative Police Service; and The Directorate Criminal Investigation.

Therefore, it is a great opportunity now to apply for the Kenya police recruitment 2021. The Kenya police recruitment 2021; is essential for individuals with a passion for joining the service. The recruitment is done annually; and so it is vital for potential applicants to begin preparations in time to avoid being misled.

Hence, prospective candidates ought to be armed with all the requirements; necessary for one to join the Kenya police lest the wait will be in vain. The news to watch out for in regards to the recruitment should; encompass any recent development and communication from the Kenya police itself.

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Kenya Police Recruitment Requirements 2021

To be eligible to apply for the ongoing Kenya police recruitment prospective candidates should possess the following;

1. Applicants must be a Kenyan citizen at the time of recruitment (all Kenyan citizens may apply whether born in Kenya or not).

2. Applicant must possess a National Identity card.

3. Age – between 18 and 28 years old for those with KCSE certification and up to 30 years old for those with diplomas or degrees in any field.

4. Applicants must be physically and mentally fit.

5. Applicants height must be 5ft and 8 inches for men and 5ft and 3 inches for a female.

6. Possess a KCSE certificate at minimum as an academic qualification with at least a mean grade D+. The applicant must have at least a D+ in either English or Kiswahili.

7. Female applicants should strictly not be pregnant at the time of recruitment and must remain without pregnancy for the duration of the training.

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8. Applicants must be free from any form of criminal act.

How To Apply For The Kenya Police Recruitment 2021

Application form

Prospective candidates that meet all the Kenya police recruitment requirements can proceed to fill the application form. The Kenya police form is available in the following locations;

1. County Commissioner’s Offices.

2. County Commissioner’s offices countywide.

3. Any police station.

4. Huduma Centers countrywide.

5. Nearest Officer Commanding Police Division (OCPD) offices.

Mode Of Application Submission

Having duly filled the application forms. The applicant can submit the application forms in duplicate, accompanied by the following documents:

1. A copy of the Kenya National ID

2. A copy of the applicant’s Birth Certificate

3. Police Clearance Certificate

4. Copies of the academic certificates and testimonials

Important Facts To Note About Kenya police

Note: All apllicants should be mindful of the following.

A. Applicants are required to present themselves at the recruitment center they have chosen on their NPSC application form with the Kenya police application forms in hand. Applicants will also be required to present original supporting documents for verification which will be returned to the applicants before leaving the recruitment center.

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Furthermore, Under section 25 of the National Police Service Commission Act, any applicant that provides the commission with false information knowingly has committed an offense and liable to a fine of up to Ksh 200,000 or to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding two years.

Also, Note: a culprit may also face both penalties.

Hence, these guidelines apply to the provision of information in the requirements above. Anyone that provides false academic certificates, canvases directly or otherwise, or attempts to corrupt the recruitment process shall be disqualified, arrested, and convicted as well.

Note: Once a candidate is selected, they immediately become bonded to serve under the command of the National Police Service Commission for a minimum of ten (10) years before they can leave the service.

Hence, with the exception that; in the course of their service, they become declared unfit to serve in the service either by way of physical disability; a medical condition, insanity, or corruption charges that may guarantee discharge of the officer in question.

Meanwhile, prospective candidates should kindly drop their valid email with us in the comment box; below to get the latest updates on the Kenya police recruitment process 2021.

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