Scholarship Visa Application | Student Visa for Scholarship Apply

We glad you want to apply for your scholarship visa, well, that is the next thing to do after you have confirmed you gained a scholarship with the United States, the Chinese government, Canadian scholarship, or any country whatsoever, a guide to scholarship visa application is what you need now to get started.

A Scholarship is financial aid in form of grants, bursaries, fellowship or funds given to an individual or a set of people so as to acquire an individual or a group knowledge, skill, etc. However, there are two kinds of scholarship and they are: Half or Part-time scholarship or Full Time or Fully Funded scholarships. In any of these opportunities, the beneficiary has to meet up the expectation with the full or half cost on the sponsor.

A student visa application is however one of the applications that the beneficiary still needs to do, so as to gain or acquire a pass to the host country. This is applicable to everybody, both the individual offered Part-Time Scholarship and the ones with Full-time scholarship. In other words, an individual who gained a scholarship abroad is expected to do his or her scholarship visa application using the prescribed forms.

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Just for clarity; different counties have their own different visa for their students, for example, the United States gives three kinds of the student visa which may include the F Student Visathe J Exchange Visa, and the M student visa. Likewise in China, you are expected to apply for your visa using form X2, this clearly specifies the number of days that you will likely spend in China because of your study.

Most Recent Scholarship Opportunities with Free Visa

These are organizations, NGOs or call it scholarship programs with free visas, so if you gain a scholarship from any of this organization you will likely forget about applying for a visa.

  • University of Washington Scholarship
  • Chevening Undergraduate Scholarship
  • Emory Scholarship Program
  • University of Ghana Scholarship
  • University of South Africa Scholarship
  • Australia Award Scholarship
  • A Nurse I Am undergraduate scholarship

These are the ongoing scholarship programs that have a free visa for the beneficiary. Meanwhile, ensure you have gained a scholarship and have printed out your scholarship form before you commence for your visa application formalities.

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Top 10 Student Visa Application Based on the Country

Hre are different visa application form from different countries:

  • USA Students Visa – F students, J Exchange via ad M Students Visa
  • Chinese – Student Visa – X2 student visa
  • Student Visa South Africa
  • Britain Student visa
  • Australian Student Visa
  • Europian Student Visa
  • Canadian Student visa
  • Student Visa India.
  • Student Visa South Korea

We can only mention but a few, however, there are still a thousand more online. So make your research now.

Student Visa Application Steps

Just like we said above, different countries have their own kind of visa, but a country like the United States offers three student visa type, let’s see them below:
1.  F-Student Visa – This permits the holder to study English in any Government approved university in thee U.S
2. J Exchange – This kind of visa is for a beneficiary who gained a scholarship in a high school or college exchange program.
3. M Student Visa – This kind is for those who are coming into the US for training or for any non-academic program.

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Basic Requirments for Student Visa Application Online

  • The applicants must have gained a scholarship before applying for the scholarship visa.
  • If you have gained a scholarship in any school in the US, then you must use any of the forms above to apply for your visa, otherwise, discover the type of visa you need to apply with.
  • For Chinse student visa application, please refer to form X2 or X3 in the Chinese student visa application website.
  • Moreover, find out if your scholarship host will guide you through this application.
    You are expected to begin your visa application immediately you get your invitation.
  • Study carefully and observe all instructions.

Documents Required On Scholarship Visa Application

  • The applicant’s invitation letter
  • A printed copy of your admission letter
  • A proof of your scholarship approval
  • Recent passport photograph
  • Recent health certificate
  • Valid means of identification
  • School transcript (for graduates)
  • A printed copy of your admission letter

In Conclusion

While applying and pursuing your scholarship applications, you should make sure you fill up all forms correctly, apply using your personal email address. Your mobile phone should be on at all times. Attend to your mails and invites.

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