How to Change Facebook Password @

How to Change Facebook Password: Today, we shall be guiding you on the steps and procedures on how you can Change your Facebook Password using the Facebook mobile app or website.

If someone has access to your Facebook account, they have a huge amount of your personal data, can probably log in to lots of other websites and services pretending to be you, and can even scam your friends. So you should keep it protected.

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Meanwhile, below are ways on how to quickly protect yourself and your friends at any point in time without necessarily running to computer center or friends for assistance.

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How to Change Facebook Password Free

To change your password on Facebook if you’re already logged in:

1. Click in the top right.

2. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings.

3. Click Security and Login.

4. Click Edit next to Change password.

5. Enter your current password and new password.

6. Click Save Changes.

Keep in mind that you’ll need access to the email associated with your account.

Reset Your Password

To reset your password if you’re not logged in to Facebook:

1. Go to the Find Your Account Page.

2. Type the email, mobile phone number, full name, or username associated with your account, then click Search.

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3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Change Your Password On Mobile App

To change your password on Facebook if you’re already logged in:

1. Click in the top right corner of any Facebook page and select Settings.

2. Click Security and Login.

3. Click Edit next to Change Password.

4. Enter your current password and new password, and re-type new password.

5. Click Save Changes.

Keep in mind that you’ll need access to the email associated with your account.

Reset Your Password

To reset your password if you’re not logged in to Facebook:

1. Go to the Find Your Account Page.

2. Type the email, mobile phone number, full name, or username associated with your account, then click Search.

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3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

For security reasons, you won’t be able to use the same mobile phone number that you use for two-factor authentication to help you reset your password.

You’ll need to have a different mobile phone number or email address added to your account to reset your password if you ever need to.

Therefore, feel free to make your comment and contribution if you find any difficulty while on How to Change Facebook Password and we shall get back to you immediately.

Meanwhile, you can also share page link on your social media accounts so that others can also know about it. Thanks.

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