PayPal Mobile Card Reader | How To Sign Up PayPal Card Reader

Are you in search of Paypal Mobile Card Reader? Do not worry you are on the right page, where we are going to tell you so much about PayPal Here mobile card reader. As we all know this mobile card reader is one of the best if not the best right now all over the globe. We made this page for those that are finding it difficult on how to sign up Paypal card reader.

Millions of people out there have been sending us an email on how to go about using Paypal card reader. That is the reason we decided to create this page. Before that, we will like to talk a bit history of Paypal Card Reader. It was established in December 1998 as Confinity, a company that developed security software for handheld devices founded by Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek, and Ken Howery.

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Meanwhile, over 20 million users visit to create their accounts on a daily bases. As we all know there are so many things you stand to benefits when you create a PayPal mobile account. We will like to outline some of the benefits when you create our account on your device. Know that before you can be able to use PayPal card reader you have to get or create our account online. One after another we will first outline some of the features. What you stand to gain or benefits as our user.

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We stand above others because of our features. Other mobile card reader do not have what we have. So many of them look up to us to know what and how we go about it doing what we do best. Let’s look at the features, what you are missing if you have not got one of our Mobile Card Reader.

Features Of PayPal Mobile Card Reader

We will like to start by telling you that our features are one of the best right now in the globe. Millions of people out there are using their mouth and testifying the goodness.

1. It’s free to sign up for the service online.

2. You can as well sign up for a premier or business account for free.

3. Once you apply you will get your card within five to seven business days.

4. My dear with a card you will get a discount rate of 2.7 percent.

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5. You can as well do direct payments from a customer’s PayPal account.

6. PayPal Here app designed for maximum security.

This is where we are going to stop on the features of PayPal Mobile Card Reader. If you want to know more about the features all you have to do is to apply for the card reader as soon as possible. Now, we are going to show you how you can sign up and apply for the card reader. All we need from you is to follow all the procedures we are about to show you on this page.

Sign Up To An Account

We will like you to know that it is very easy and simple to sign up for a free Personal Account. Where you can be able to Shop online or send and receive money from any part of the world.

Also when it comes on Business Account with the cards you can Send invoices to your customers. And there can also make their payment through the account. Now, let’s show you how you can be able to sign up to your account without meeting anybody for help.

Firstly, what you are made to do is to visit the sign-up page @

Where you are made to choose a personal account or business account.

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If you want to sign up to business account CLICK on the tab an image that looks like this below will appear on your screen.

Paypal Mobile Card Reader

You will be made to provide your information which is an email account. If you do not give email account you can as well CLICK HERE to create one for your self.

Once you type in your email account on the box that is provided for you. The next thing is to CLICK on CONTINUE Button. Wait for it to uploads. When it’s done uploading you will an image that looks like this image below.


Paypal Mobile Card Reader

You will be made to give out your information. Make sure that you give the correct information. Once you are done with the information all you need to do is to CLICK on the NEXT tab.

You can as well follow the guidelines as it comes on the page. Finish it up by providing all the pieces of information needed from you.

Now, that we have shown you how to create an account with us. The next thing is to show you how you can be able to use it when you get the card as well.

Make use of our comments box if you find any difficulty while creating an account with us. Good Lucy.

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